Fiction or mysticism in action: where did the signs of a black cat go, salt and broken mirror

prejudice and signs are not just old fairy tales. They are deeply rooted in our culture and psyche, even if we do not always recognize it. But each sign has its own history that most people do not know.

Why do we believe in signs? themselves superstitious, and 20% believe in ghosts. In Italy, 26% of the population believe in the devil, and in the United States this figure reaches 60%, according to Gallup.

According to scientists, prejudices can be a form of protection, giving us the illusion of control over unpredictable events. They help us to feel safer by establishing cause and effect and making the world less scary. For some, it is a number of luck, for others – misfortune. Trishdecaphobia – this is the so -called fear of the number 13, has deep historical roots. In Christian culture 13 is associated with a secret dinner and betrayal of Judas. hotels.

The number “13” is considered as a source of imbalance, since it goes after 12, which symbolizes the sale: 12 months, 12 constellations, the day consists of 12 hours, the night – the same. Therefore, 13 is a symbol of a fatal recession toward chaos.

Black cat

Black cats have nothing sinister, but in the Middle Ages they were associated with witches. This led to the mass extermination of black cats, which, by irony of fate, contributed to the spread of plague due to the growth of rats population. Since then, black cats allegedly bring misfortune.

There are different beliefs about black cats in different cultures. In Britain, if a black cat is approaching, it is a good sign, but if it goes – bad. In Germany, everything is the opposite: a bad sign, if the cat goes to the right to the left, and good – if left to right. And in Scotland it is said that if the porch passes a black cat, the owner of the house will flourish.

Ancient Egyptians who have long respected cats have been honored in a special way, since this color of wool was associated with the color of the sludge, which was deposited during Nile spill, made the soil fertile.

broken mirror

mirrors have always been associated with the supernatural. Because it is the mirror that reflects our image on the contrary and seems that it is able to show the true essence of man, his soul, or even – opens the portal in another measurement.

A broken mirror is considered a bad sign because it can “imprison” the spirit of a dead person. The Romans believed that the soul and body are revived every seven years, so the broken mirror brings misfortune for the same term. In Europe, a widespread feature is that during the commemoration of the spirit of the dead person remains imprisoned in the mirror glass. The breakdown of the mirror will lead to the release of the spirit. That is why it is the custom to hang mirrors in the house after a person's death.

And yet – the mirrors were once very expensive, so they were kept to avoid financial losses. To install a new one instead of a broken one was incredibly expensive and only wealthy people could afford it. But why is salt and why for seven years? Salt was a valuable product, and its loss was considered a bad sign. To avoid misfortune, it was necessary to pick three pinches of salt and throw yourself over the left shoulder.

walk under the stairs

The stairs may resemble a cross on which Jesus or a gallows was crucified. Passing under the stairs is considered unsuccessful because it can cause unpleasant associations, since the cross on the one hand indicates the resurrection, on the other-causes suffering and death.

there is another explanation: the theory that the stairs, leaning against the wall, form a triangle, a symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and therefore to go under this triangle was considered a blasphemous act.

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Author: alex

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