Five actions you can take to protect against type 2 diabetes
Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is highly dependent on diet and lifestyle.
Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong diagnosis, but certain actions effectively allow you to achieve remission of this dangerous condition. That is, to contribute to the fact that the level of sugar in the blood will not be constantly high, destructive for internal organs and systems. Practicing these measures is especially important if a person is in the risk group, has significant excess weight and prediabetes.
Minimize the amount of sweets. Sweet foods raise blood sugar levels to dangerous levels when consumed frequently, in excess. Their number should be limited, sweets should not be consumed on an empty stomach, and protein should be eaten with it – it slows down the increase in glucose in the blood, protects against spikes.
Move. > It has been proven that physical activity and sports improve the body's response to the hormone insulin, which helps normalize blood sugar levels.
Drink water. Experts recommend replacing any sweet drinks with water. Drinking the latter is associated with a particularly serious increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood, which penetrates it almost instantly. During the day, you also need to drink a little water from time to time.
Prefer a low-carb diet. After a meal containing carbohydrates, blood glucose levels invariably rise. To protect against sudden fluctuations in sugar levels and type 2 diabetes, you should avoid consuming processed and refined carbohydrates on a regular basis – such food should be an exception.
Eat more fiber. It slows down the absorption rate. nutrients and, thus, helps to regulate blood sugar levels, preventing its sharp rise. What is also important for protection against type 2 diabetes – eating fiber promotes weight loss by continuing to feel full after a meal. Its sources: whole fruits, vegetables, whole grain products.
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