Five cereals that should be included in the diet for health and slimness

The diet is one of the key factors that ensure a slim physical shape and health preservation. For this, it must contain whole grain products, specifically, doctors recommend five cereals.

Whole grain cereals contain all parts of the grain – bran, endosperm, germ. Medical professionals and nutritionists often talk about the importance of their presence in the diet – the product contains nutrients, rich in fiber, minerals, protein and plant compounds. In addition to reducing weight and the risk of obesity, consumption of whole grains helps maintain heart health, reduces the likelihood of stroke, diabetes, fights inflammation, supports the body in the development of dangerous chronic diseases, including cancer.

To maintain health and slimness, experts recommend including five cereals in the diet.

Barley. Rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber and resistant starch, thanks to which it significantly improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin (even with pre-existing diabetes). Another feature: barley, more than all cereals, contains phosphorus, a trace element necessary for normal metabolism, calcium absorption and regulation of brain activity.

Oats.Researchers from the University of Würzburg (Germany) called oats a “natural medicine” that reduces the level of “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the body. Such cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques that disrupt blood circulation and can cause various cardiovascular problems: heart attacks, strokes. Also, the use of groats is effective for skin diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Brown (brown) rice. Although it contains almost as many calories as white, it contains a lot of fiber, which stimulates digestion, and also slows down the release of sugar into the blood.

Buckwheat. Its consumption promotes slimness, providing a long-lasting feeling of satiety, which helps not to overeat and in general, reduce the number of calories consumed. Its rutin component prevents the development of insulin resistance by improving the transmission of hormone signals to cells. In a complex with another substance, quercetin, they fight free radicals that damage DNA, causing the formation of cancer cells.

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Author: alex

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