Five early possible symptoms of diabetes that should not be ignored

Often the initial symptoms of diabetes seem to be quite minor health disorders.

Some changes in well-being should be checked by a therapist, especially if they take a persistent nature. They can be early symptoms of diabetes.

Blurred vision. This symptom cannot be ignored, as its cause may be damage to the blood vessels, which are very important for the eyes, from the light-sensitive retina. They are damaged due to a constantly high level of glucose in the blood and high blood pressure.

Frequent urination. On average, a person needs to urinate approximately four to seven times a day. But with diabetes, there is a need to use the toilet much more often, because the body does not reabsorb glucose to the extent it should. Urination is activated as a way to eliminate it.

Thirst. Thirst and an overactive bladder in diabetes essentially work in tandem: the more you need to urinate, the more persistent your body will be to warn you about lack of fluid.

Itchy or dry skin. Another early possible symptom of diabetes that should not be ignored. Skin problems in the case of this disease occur as a result of rapid removal of moisture from the body. The skin dries quickly and, being overdried, is easily susceptible to infections and irritation.

Fatigue. Having become a diabetic, a person may feel frequent or constant fatigue regardless of the time of day and length of sleep. A similar symptom may indicate a lack of insulin, a hormone that helps the body efficiently convert glucose into energy.

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Author: alex

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