Five early symptoms that may signal Parkinson's disease

Exists several early symptoms that warn of future Parkinson's disease: for example, these may be muscle stiffness or slowness of movement.

Parkinson's disease is caused by the loss of nerve cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra. This reduces the level of the chemical dopamine in the brain. The disease is characterized by a long slow development, its symptoms can develop for years.

Scientists state that the development of symptoms that may signal Parkinson's disease sometimes differs from person to person due to the diversity of the clinical picture of the disease. However, experts recommend paying attention to five symptoms that can signal Parkinson's disease at an early stage, writes the Express edition.

Tremor.It manifests itself in a slow, uncontrolled tremor of the hand that occurs at rest and disappears with voluntary movement. It usually starts in one hand, as the disease progresses, both hands are affected.

Bradykinesia. There is a gradual loss and slowing of spontaneous movements, including facial expressions that become less pronounced.

Body stiffness.One of the early symptoms that can signal Parkinson's disease is a feeling of body stiffness, poor mobility of the limbs. Muscles become stiff due to the inability to relax, and pain in the joints may also be felt.

Disruption of body balance. It becomes difficult for a person to maintain an upright position, his body becomes inclined, there may be fall.

“Disconnection” of a part of the body. Also, with this pathology, there may be a feeling of “disconnection” of the lower half of the body. While the upper half moves normally, the legs seem paralyzed, and the person feels that he does not control the lower part of the body.

Commenting on the possible early symptoms of Parkinson's disease, specialists from the Mayo Clinic emphasized that its development really begins gradually, often from a barely noticeable tremor of one hand, which is often ignored.

“Your face stops expressing emotions, your hands do not swing when you walk, your speech may become quiet or slurred. The symptoms of Parkinson's disease worsen as the pathological condition progresses,” the experts added.

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Author: alex

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