Five foods promote longevity by reducing the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol

< p>One of the best products, the use of which is associated with many health benefits, are legumes.

Many scientists assess people's eating habits as a key factor influencing life expectancy. To maintain good health and achieve longevity, in their opinion, it is important to eat foods that improve the state of the intestinal microbiome. Growing research shows that gut microbes are involved not only in digestion, but the quality of the aging process can also depend on them.

In particular, an imbalance of unhealthy and healthy microbes in the gut can contribute to problems such as weight gain, high blood sugar and high cholesterol, psychoemotional disorders. A balanced intestinal microbiome, in turn, contributes to longevity, reducing the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol.

“New evidence suggests that a healthy gut microbiome may help reverse immune and cognitive impairments associated with aging.”

What is the gut microbiome.This is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms (bacteria), which determines a number of intestinal functions and interacts with the immune system and metabolism. It is important for health that the intestines contain a certain proportion of good bacteria: they maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier, help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria – this improves the body's defense against external infections, which increases its lifespan.

For according to the National Institute on Aging, the human gut microbiome undergoes specific changes throughout life – this happens most intensively in the stages from childhood to three years and in late adulthood.

Researchers have established that adults whose intestines differ more in a diverse environment, show better mobility as they age, and require less medication. They also have a significantly reduced risk of premature death.

What to do. One of the best available ways to achieve a healthy gut microflora is to eat a balanced diet rich in fiber and foods containing probiotics and prebiotics. . Experts recommend including in the diet at least five products that improve the functioning and condition of the intestines.

  • Fermented vegetables.
  • Yogurts with live cultures.
  • Legumes.
  • Bananas.
  • Flax seeds.

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Author: alex

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