Five foods that are dangerous to consume at night

These products are not safe to use at night, because they can disrupt the work of the digestive system, contribute to the appearance of heartburn and acid reflux, obesity and other health problems.

The digestive system of the body is most active in the morning, by night its functioning slows down. That is why doctors always recommend light dinners, especially when a person is trying to lose weight.

“When you eat a heavy meal at night, the body is unable to digest it completely and starts storing excess fat. If such dinners become a habit, it leads to significant weight gain,” experts warn.

In addition, some products used at night can have an extremely negative effect on the state of the digestive system. Eating them can cause heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux or other unpleasant symptoms that disturb sleep. In turn, a lack of sleep threatens to exacerbate many health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. In addition, the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, which increases the risk of cognitive and behavioral disorders, mood swings, and fatigue.

Considering all these reasons, it is better to have dinner with light dishes with a low content of carbohydrates, calories and fats, experts emphasize. They named foods that are dangerous to eat at night.

Red meat. It contains a large amount of protein, useful for weight loss. But at the same time, it is rich in fat and calories, which makes it too heavy a food to consume at the end of the day. Nutritionists recommend avoiding red meat – you should prefer white meat that is healthier and easier for dinner, for example, chicken, turkey.

Ice cream.The delicacy contains too much sugar and calories to not be considered dangerous for consumption before bedtime. A mixture of milk fat and carbohydrates is too heavy a load for digestion at night, experts say.

Cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli and cauliflower are products from the “healthy food” category. But they contain a lot of insoluble fiber, which takes longer to digest. Therefore, it is better to avoid these vegetables before going to bed – they will not allow you to sleep normally.

Ketchup. The popular tomato sauce contains sweeteners that contribute to an increase in blood sugar and active fat deposition. In turn, high acidity provokes heartburn and indigestion.

Dark chocolate. This product is beneficial for health in many ways, but its various types still contain sugar, which can interfere with the process of losing weight. It also contains an amino acid that can keep the body in tension at night, when, on the contrary, it needs relaxation.

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Author: alex

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