Five foods that are good for women to eat to strengthen muscles

Due to the activity of certain hormones, it is much more difficult for women than men to maintain strong and developed muscle mass – however, there are products that help the weaker sex cope with this difficult task.

Good muscle condition is a powerful factor influencing health. Experts explain that developed muscles in general consume a lot of energy, which forces them to actively extract glucose from the blood. Lethargic, flabby, underdeveloped muscles reduce the sensitivity of the body's cells to insulin, which causes disturbances in the mechanisms of appetite and food consumption, as well as malfunctions of internal systems. As a result, metabolic problems associated with excess weight and an increase in body fat, cardiovascular pathologies may arise.

The female body is naturally prone to the accumulation of fat and weak muscles. But fortunately, women can improve the condition of their muscles with the help of a diet rich in nutrients. The following five foods are useful for them to eat to strengthen muscles, and at the same time, bones, as reported by Times Now.

Greek yogurt.It is rich in calcium, vitamin D and protein – all these nutrients are optimal for strengthening muscles. For greater benefits, you should choose fatty varieties without sugar, avoiding flavored and sweetened ones.

Milk. Women who drink milk achieve better results in the gym – they burn more intensively fat and toned muscles. This fact was established by a study by scientists from McMaster University (USA). Their results show that women who drink two glasses of milk a day achieve faster reduction of fat mass and good muscle tone.

Bananas. But not too ripe, greenish fruits. rich in fibers that improve digestion, as well as potassium, due to which excess fluid is more intensively removed from the body. It is also noted that bananas reduce cravings for sugar and simple carbohydrates, which are the enemies of strong muscles. It has been experimentally proven that when women eat one banana twice a day before meals for two months, the volume of their stomachs has significantly decreased.

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Author: alex

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