Five good reasons not to give up potatoes
You don't have to give up potatoes even for those who try to lose weight – moreover, their use helps to achieve the desired goal. There are also other good reasons to include potatoes in your diet.
Potatoes are often called a healthy vegetable with a bad reputation, as their consumption is associated with excess weight and associated diseases. This reputation arose due to the versatility of the product. Potatoes can be prepared in various ways, and many of them involve frying them, grinding them into puree, combining them with high-calorie ingredients. Such cooking really makes the product dangerous, increasing its glycemic index and the potential to spoil the figure, reducing the nutritional value.
But this should not become a reason to give up potatoes, you just need to eat them boiled, baked or steamed, with greens and non-starchy vegetables. Its experts named five good reasons to eat potatoes in such variations.
Strengthening of the immune system. The vegetable is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals that stimulate various functions of the body, including the immune system. One medium-sized potato contains:
- 26 g of carbohydrates
- 3 g of protein
- 2 g of fiber
- 1.1 mg of iron
- 620 mg of potassium
- 27 mg of vitamin C
- 0.2 mg of vitamin B6.
It also contains antioxidants that help increase the production of leukocytes that regulate the amount of free radicals in the body.
Improving digestion. If you often experience stomach upset, constipation , diarrhea, this may mean that your diet needs more fiber. Potatoes contain a type of fiber that regulates bowel movement, improving its peristalsis. Potato starch protects the stomach and intestinal tract from ulcers caused by high acidity.
Stimulation of cognitive abilities. The product also contains a large amount of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which plays an important role in the regulation mood In addition, it supports the healthy functioning of the brain, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Attention! People suffering from hypertension, type 2 diabetes should consume potatoes in limited quantities.
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