Five habits that should be abandoned for the sake of longevity are named

Live everyone wants to stay sane and with a clear memory as long as possible, but few people know that it is not so difficult to achieve this. The risk of chronic and fatal diseases is strongly influenced by lifestyle. Scientists strongly recommend getting rid of five factors that can significantly shorten life expectancy.


Numerous studies have confirmed that there is a correlation between optimal hydration levels and increased life expectancy. This means that daily consumption of the optimal amount of water corresponding to body weight is one of the ways to increase life expectancy, as well as improve the general state of health.

Liquid helps to remove harmful toxins and waste products from the body, which are otherwise retained. As a result, high hydration means high detoxification.

Processed meat

There are many studies that prove the harm of red meat. According to scientists, it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and general mortality. Experts associate red and processed meat with a number of diseases, and the WHO has classified them as a cause of cancer.

In particular, the study found a link between the consumption of bacon and ham and an increased risk of premature death. Scientists have found that by reducing consumption of red and processed meat and eating more fish, chicken, vegetables and nuts, a person can increase life expectancy.

Sedentary lifestyle

“People need to stop thinking of exercise only as a means of losing weight and instead see it as one of the most effective health tools available for a happy and long life. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to serious health risks, including slowed metabolism, muscle weakness, obesity and increased cholesterol levels,” the doctor said.

He explained that maintaining muscle activity muscles allows the body to pump more blood. This means that the organs will receive more oxygen and nutrients.


The impact of stress on the general state of health is enormous, so reducing its level is one of the ways to minimize the risk of many deadly diseases. A study by the University of California showed that women with chronic stress have significantly lower levels of the protein klotho, which regulates the aging process. Another study found that stress increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.


This bad habit causes premature death and accelerates the aging process. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that smokers have at least 10 years less life expectancy than non-smokers. According to doctors, quitting smoking before the age of 40 can reduce the risk of dying from smoking-related diseases by about 90%.

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Author: alex

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