Five health benefits from simple zucchini
Zucchini-a modest cheap vegetable, which has a number of beneficial health properties.
now on sale a lot Zucchini and, if possible, freeze them for the winter, experts advise you to make such blanks. Zucchini is a lot of water, as well as microfibers, vitamins and minerals, which is an undoubted plus for the body.
help to lose weight. Zucchini do not contain cholesterol, and their caloric content per 100 grams is only 17 kcal. Even despite the presence of sugar in these vegetables, they are recommended by experts as some of the best in terms of weight loss. Zucchini is characterized by a high content of fiber, which stimulates intestinal flora, strengthens the immune system. In essence, zucchini acts as a sponge: it absorbs all toxins, undigested food and excretes naturally.
strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Zucchini provides the body with potassium, which is necessary to normalize the heart. Plus their consumption contributes to the self -purification of vessels from plaques of cells and harmful substances that enter the bloodstream. People who regularly use zucchini suffer from blood pressure jumps.
provide immunity support. . Regular consumption of zucchini improves the protection of the body from harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens.
is very useful for elderly people. They activate digestive processes, improve the motor and secretory functions of the stomach and intestines, have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, improves well -being in kidney and hypertension. unrecognized zucchini, welded without salts and oils, has a diuretic effect with various swelling. Due to their ability to remove excess fluid from the body zucchini reduce the manifestations of cellulite.
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