Five health benefits of beer

Usually, when it comes to the benefits of alcohol, red wine is praised for its best qualities. But beer, as scientific research shows, can also improve the condition and functions of the body.

In addition, beer is a product rich in iron and, thanks to this property, is recommended for people with anemia, in which there is a lack of hemoglobin. The leader in iron content in its composition is dark beer.

Beer is also useful for fighting depression, it has the ability to improve mood. Malted barley, which is used to make beer, contains hordenine, to which the same brain receptors that respond to the pleasure hormone dopamine are sensitive. Moreover, even non-alcoholic beer can be a supplier of this “joy substance”.

Drinking beer can prevent atherosclerosis – a destructive process in blood vessels that leads to strokes and heart attacks. Scientists note that compared to many other alcoholic beverages, beer is more saturated with antioxidants than any other type of alcohol. First of all, dark beers are distinguished by this.

Another dangerous disease that drinking beer can protect against is Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that beer has the ability to inhibit the process of accumulation in brain tissues of proteins that form amyloid plaques, which provoke the development of dementia.

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Author: alex

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