Five health problems that can cause you to lose weight unintentionally

If you suddenly lose weight, the cause of this may be serious health disorders.

Stress. It causes the body to significantly increase its energy needs, as stress hormones specifically affect metabolic processes. In addition, people in stressful situations often have a decreased appetite, they eat less. All this together leads to weight loss, which can happen imperceptibly for the person himself.

Food intolerance. The problem is caused by the body's sensitivity to substances such as gluten, lactose, fructose. Intolerance can be the reason that food will not be digested by the body to a sufficient extent – accordingly, there will be a lack of nutrients. In addition, intolerance often causes unpleasant conditions, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, due to which sufferers begin to avoid food.

Diabetes.One of the most serious health problems that can explain unintentional weight loss. For example, people with type 1 diabetes lose weight because the body's cells stop absorbing sugar normally. To support the production of energy necessary for life, the body looks for alternative sources of energy and begins to burn fat, protein, and muscle mass.

Hyperthyroidism. In his case, the thyroid gland produces more intensively the hormones thyroxine. and triiodothyronine, which “interfere” in all metabolic processes of the body, excessively stimulating metabolism. The result is unintentional weight loss, which is possible even despite an increased appetite.

Depression. The main symptom of a depressive disorder is a low, depressed mood, which contributes to, among other things, a decrease in appetite.

“If you have lost more than 10 percent of your body weight in the last 6 months, you better consult a doctor, as this threatens a deficiency of important substances, such as protein, vitamins and minerals,” advise the experts of the German Society of Gastroenterology.


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Author: alex

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