Five hidden signs of low self-esteem according to psychologists
Experts say : to increase self-esteem, we must first learn to recognize low self-esteem.
These five hidden signs, according to psychologists, indicate it.
Indecisiveness and doubts. A sign of low self-esteem can be that you are constantly indecisive and question almost every decision you make, constantly hesitate. Doubts in oneself and one's decisions can take a lot of strength, cause worry, anxiety.
Fear of drawing attention to oneself. For example, you have been invited to visit by good friends, and you confidently go to this meeting, where there are also new people. At first glance, everything is fine, but in the end you hardly say anything for the whole evening. And this does not mean that you had nothing to say. You just thought it was uninteresting or too banal.
Inability to accept compliments. One of the signs of low self-esteem is that we have difficulty accepting compliments. In most cases, this happens completely unconsciously: someone praises your work, and instead of saying “thank you”, you comment like “what about you, it wasn't difficult”. Answers like this are usually so automatic that you don't even notice them.
First notice the flaws. If you are asked: What are you especially good at, or what makes you stand out from many other people, would you be able to do you answer immediately or after a very short thought? For people with low self-esteem, giving a quick answer to such a question is a problem. They see flaws and disadvantages in themselves and others much more clearly than advantages and pluses.
Perfectionism. With low self-esteem, personal failures are perceived with exaggerated difficulty, lead to painful self-digging and searching for flaws. Such a quality as perfectionism is often formed on this soil – a person begins to strive for high standards due to the fear of being a failure. Psychologists note that such fear is often rooted in childhood, when a child grows up with overly demanding parents who show him love only as a reward for success, achievements.
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