Five interesting facts about twins you might not know
Fact # 1. Twins are born often
Since 1980, the birth rate of twins has increased by more than 70%! Due to the spread of eco, like toddlers similar to each other every year more and more. The nationality of parents is of importance. It turns out that women-ashlets have a chance to give birth to a twin very small. Twins are born in one mother out of 250 births. But African Americans, on the contrary, are very fruitful in twins. Europeans are at an average level. However, in Europe and Ukraine, the age of childbirth is increasing, and late births are often twin.
Fact # 2. Are the same outside but different inside
Children can be identical twins, but they are genetically different. No need to confuse twins and clones. These differences also explain that often one of the twins has chronic diseases, and his brother or sister even these ailments have never been disturbed.
Fact # 3. Genes decide
A serious study of the twins who were divorced as a child showed that despite their different lives, people had common features with a twin. For example, twins who have never seen each other have taken the same poses in certain situations. They sat equally, stood, slept. For example, such people could suffer from migraines, nail biting, have some passions, love the same products.
Fact # 4. Twins live longer
studies have shown that twins often live simple twins for 5 years. And those, in turn, are worried about three years of ordinary people. Scientists associate this with the strongest social connection that occurs between single children. Statistics show that such people are more responsible and are more attentive to health, as they believe that they are also responsible for their twin.
Fact # 5. The twin is hereditary
The chance of the appearance of twins determines the totality of two genes. This has recently been found out by scientists from the Netherlands. They decided to check whether the ability to have a twin to be inherited. It turned out what can! At a high level of FGS, the chance of ripening of two eggs is higher. This and allows the appearance of two eggs ready to take sperm.
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