Five little-known reasons increase hair loss in women – expert

Strong stress; physical trauma or sudden weight loss can cause severe hair loss in women.

According to dermatologist Wendy Rogers, hair thickness is often determined by genetics, but if hair loss occurs suddenly, it could be caused by something other than heredity, for example, disease.

It is quite normal to lose 50 to 100 individual hairs every day. The process of hair loss is part of the natural balance: some hair falls out and others grow. When the balance is disturbed, hair loss becomes a problem, it becomes baldness.

The expert states that the five risk factors for baldness in women include disorders that are little known in this capacity – these

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  • thyroid disease
  • anemia
  • autoimmune diseases
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • skin diseases.
  • < /ul>

    Also, according to a dermatologist, both pregnancy and menopause can increase hair loss in women.

    “Other causes of hair loss include severe stress; physical injuries, operations or serious illnesses; sharp weight loss in a short period of time; an excess of vitamin A,” the expert added.

    The dermatologist advised to contact specialists in case of hair loss. A blood test can help determine the cause of the problem. In addition, it allows to detect the existing pathology.

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    Author: alex

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