Five myths about healthy eating that you still believe
You can find a lot of information about healthy eating on the Internet. However, not all of it is true. Therefore, it is important to be careful, otherwise you can harm your body.
These five statements about a healthy diet can be heard often. However, they are false.
Vegetarianism is the healthiest diet.In fact, limiting yourself in some products is quite dangerous. For example, completely giving up eggs, dairy products, etc. You may encounter a deficiency of various substances, and then – with dystrophy. The risk is especially high for children and the elderly. In addition, vegetarianism can lead to weakened immunity, anemia, slowed reactions, damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, vegetarianism often brings the body more harm than good.
Jujube helps with anemia.Such Chinese dates actually contain very little iron to cure anemia. So, 100 g of these products contain only 2-3 mg of iron. In addition, such dates are high in sugar, so the risk of obesity when consumed also increases.
With moderate alcohol consumption, you can protect yourself from heart disease. In fact, alcoholic beverages are dangerous, and more so for women than for men. According to a study published in the Lancet, even if you drink a moderate amount of alcohol, it can still increase the risk of developing cancer (liver, lung, breast, intestinal, larynx, esophagus, etc.). And alcohol does not help you sleep at all.
Eggs increase cholesterol levels. Eggs have high nutritional value, and they also contain a lot of high-quality protein. Yes, they also have cholesterol, but it is mainly in the yolk, and it is much less than in other sources of cholesterol. Just one egg a day will, on the contrary, be beneficial for your health.
To improve digestion, you should eat fruit after meals. The fact is that fruits already have a lot of sugar. Therefore, you can only gain weight if you constantly eat them after meals.
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