Five products you can't lose weight through


with regular use, these products activate the processes that lead to increased fatty tissue, and thus do not show. For the effect of weight loss, these products should be minimized or excluded from the daily menu at all.

sugar. At high levels of sugar consumed in the body, vitamins are not absorbed, for example, vitamin C. deficiency of important substances contributes to metabolic disorders, weakening of immunity, increased risk of inflammation and overweight.

Doctors emphasize that it is important to understand: sugar is contained in a huge number of modern products, not only in confectionery, but also in dairy products, fitness bottles, bread, semi-finished products, canned foods. It is necessary to read the products carefully and to control the amount of sugar consumed. Its excess in nutrition threatens overloads for the pancreas and the development of insulin resistance.

long -term products. With the influence of this type of artificial fats associative metabolic disorders, development of atherosclerosis and cancer, hormonal deviations.

fried products. Frying in a frying pan leads to the emergence of thermally altered fats, which can adversely affect the metabolic processes in the body. Particularly dangerous fried foods, genetically prone to overweight: they are more intense because of fried foods than people without hereditary risk.

salts. Scientists say modern people are used to the very salty taste of food and unconsciously consume large doses of salt day by day with finished products and fast food.

products containing sodium glutamate. Manufacturers of products add it to stimulate the consumer's sense of pleasure from eating and getting used to their taste. As a rule, such products contain many calories and almost no vitamins and fiber. As a result of calories go to fat accumulation.

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Author: alex

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