Five recently discovered factors of increased risk of dementia
- Age: Starting from 60 years, the likelihood of dementia is doubled every five years;
- >gender: women are more at risk of dementia than men;
- genetics: for example, a specific variant of the Apoe gene affects the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease – Apoe4 carriers are very early.
“About 30 percent of the risk of Alzheimer's disease can be explained by risk factors that we can influence more or less effectively,”-said researchers at the Carolini Institute (Sweden).
Five recently open risk factors for dementia. Studies conducted in recent years have identified the following risk factors.
Damage to small vessels. Scientists from Barcelona University have found that hemorrhages in small vessels that can be seen on MRI indicate the threat of dementia in patients with high blood pressure at the age of 45 years.
stress in middle -aged people. Dementia is about a quarter.
loneliness. people who live alone and feel lonely in the elderly, have a higher risk of dementia – according to research, 44 percent. Deep sleep is associated with enlargement in the brain Tau-proteins that destroy its neurons. A good dream in all its stages is an important protective factor from dementia, scientists have stated.
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