Five “secrets” of growing hostas from professionals
Hostas in landscape design are used for independent placement in flower beds and in compositions, mixborders. The variety of varieties is so impressive that with them you can create a very stylish design not only of flower beds, but also of paths.
Beautiful hosts and secrets of growing
Although hosts are not picky plants in terms of care, they do have certain requirements. If you follow them, the plants will look well-groomed, luxurious, and the leaves will delight with their brightness:
- You need to water the hostas only at the root;
- Loosen the soil around the bushes;
- Rejuvenate;
- Apply potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen in equal proportions every spring;
- The soil should be rich in biohumus.
Regarding rejuvenation, you need to know that it is carried out in May. The bush must be dug up and divided. And then planted. Hostas are easy to divide, so you can create even more attractive bushes every year.
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