Five secrets to strong immunity
Have you noticed that some people almost never get sick? Even during the season of colds and various infections. Most likely, they just remember a few rules.
So, how does our immunity work? The human immune system consists of antigens – proteins that react to pathogens that enter the body. In order for pathogens to be recognized properly, the whole body must work properly. Certain rules will help with this.
Proper sleep and rest.For the immune system to function effectively, it is necessary for the endocrine, nervous and digestive systems to be normal. Sleep helps with this. Immunity is weakened by hard work, the inability to take breaks for rest during the day, and fatigue.
Reducing stress levels. In stressful situations, cortisol is produced in the body, but this affects the immune system.
Restriction of food and proper diet.If you have too much fat in your body, it will weaken your immune system. As a result, not so many immune cells will be produced, and the body's response to pathogens will weaken. In addition, due to the lack of nutrients in the diet, a deficiency occurs, which also affects immunity. Experts advise to eat five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day.
Sex. According to the results of scientific research, sexually active people who make love regularly with a permanent partner, have up to 30% more antibodies in the body. Also, regularly having an orgasm reduces the level of cortisol in the blood, which has a positive effect on the immune and cardiovascular systems. During intercourse, prolactin and oxytocin are released, which support the normal functioning of the immune system.
Physical activity. Regular exercise increases the activity of lymphocytes (more precisely, Th-lymphocytes), which protect the body. from autoimmune diseases and infections. In addition, during training, the body temperature rises, which can suppress the reproduction of pathogens.
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