Five signs that a person is under chronic stress
People often do not realize that they are in a state of stress.
Many people think that stress manifests itself in obvious negative emotions and experiences. But while this is true, stress is a complex condition, and it can be difficult to understand how deeply rooted it is. People may not know that stress is causing their physical and mental problems.
This is because the body and brain begin to adapt to it and continue to work, despite the depressed psyche. However, when observed from the side, you can notice some signs that a person is in chronic stress.
Constant monitoring on the phone.The constant desire to be aware of all events and news, constant reading of any information is one of the indicators of the fear of losing control, which is a reflection of a stressful state.
Obsessive thoughts. In stress, a person loses the ability to calmly think, analyze, and suffers from the fact that he mentally twists himself. At the same time, in his experiences, he constantly returns to the same problem, as if not noticing that life is more multifaceted.
Constant self-criticism. A person who is in a state of chronic stress is also very insecure about himself, skeptically assesses his work, his capabilities, and his position in the family.
Comparing oneself with others. Another sign of self-doubt that arises as a result of stress is comparing oneself with others – not to one's advantage. Such self-deprecation only increases anxiety and stress levels.
Fatigue. Chronic stress first depletes mental energy, and then affects the body. A person may constantly feel sleepy, tired, unproductive, and unwilling to work.
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