Five simple tips to reduce belly fat

It is possible to reduce unnecessary and dangerous reserves of belly fat without resorting to diets or intense physical exercises. Indian experts have listed five simple tips that help make this part of the body more slender.

Five simple tips for reducing belly fat

The greatest danger of abdominal obesity is the growth of visceral fat stored in the abdominal cavity and surrounding internal organs. Increasing its mass is not just an aesthetic problem, it is associated with an increased risk of developing health-threatening disorders, including inflammation and metabolic disorders, which act as a trigger for a number of diseases. Thus, excess abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, correlates with the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, hypertension, diabetes, fatty liver disease, breast and colon cancer.

Studies also show that a large the amount of belly fat can increase the risk of premature death – regardless of a person's overall weight.

Meanwhile, experts state: it is possible to get rid of belly fat without diets and exhausting sports – due to certain lifestyle changes. The main condition: to follow them regularly for a long time.

Experts named the five simplest tips for reducing belly fat.

Eat strictly natural food. To to lose weight in the stomach, industrially processed products should be excluded from the diet. You need to eat whole fruits, vegetables, grain, meat.

“Choose lean sources of protein and complex carbohydrates, as well as low-fat dairy products. Let's assume a moderate amount of healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) contained in fish, nuts, some vegetable oils,” the nutritionists added.

Drink water. Here is a simple but very effective one advice: stop using sweet and high-calorie drinks, drink water, unsweetened tea, coffee. The health benefits of drinking enough water go far beyond weight control: such a habit improves the body's condition in many ways at once, doctors emphasize.

Control the size of portions.This practice plays a crucial role in losing weight, including belly fat. One of the easiest ways to control portion sizes is to use smaller dishes.

Move more. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to unhealthy weight gain and other serious health problems. Start walking at least 150 minutes a week, and preferably more – the result will not make you wait.

Manage your emotions. Cortisol, a stress hormone released by the glands, can contribute to the accumulation of visceral fat To reduce it, you need to take measures that reduce the presence of stress in everyday life. One of the easiest ways to become less susceptible to all kinds of anxiety-provoking events is to practice slow breathing:

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Author: alex

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