Five simple ways to increase metabolism

Metabolism is a natural biochemical process in the body through which the body converts food into energy The faster it is, the less likely it is to gain extra pounds. There are several simple ways that will help to increase the metabolism in the body.

Start the day with breakfast

Breakfast promotes an active metabolism throughout the day. Eating in the morning provides a person with energy for physical and mental activity.

Drink green tea

In several studies, green tea has been shown to slightly increase metabolism due to its ability to increase energy expenditure and the number of calories burned, said Megan Meredith, a certified general health coach at Wheaton College. “Green tea contains caffeine and catechin polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that helps speed up metabolism,” says the expert.

Add cayenne pepper to your meal

Cayenne pepper stimulates metabolism, causing a surge of energy. In addition, a study published in the International Journal of Obesity suggests that the active ingredient in this spice, capsaicin, helps reduce appetite.

Go for a walk in the afternoon

A few breaks during the day for short walks can lift your spirits a bit and recharge your energy. Such activity will help reduce the likelihood of overeating and speed up metabolism.

Eat small portions

Small portions and snacks throughout the day are good for metabolism. However, the choice should be made in favor of healthy food rich in protein.

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Author: alex

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