Five sweet-sounding and forgotten words in the Ukrainian language that will impress your interlocutor
The Ukrainian language has many words that not only express thoughts, but also make our speech more lively and melodious. These are wonderful expressions that enrich the language and make communication even more pleasant. And a lot of such words are undeservedly forgotten.
A wordy conversation that continues for a long time can be called chattering. This term is often used to describe long conversations or arguments in which the participants cannot reach a common agreement.
This word is used to refer to the imaginary line that separates heaven and earth. It appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, but was banned during the Soviet regime.
In the Ukrainian language, this word is used to refer to a detour or a path in a figurative sense. It can usually be found in oral folk art – in fairy tales, legends, thoughts or songs. It was also actively used by Ukrainian poets to make their poems sing and melodious.
This word is used to denote understanding or grasping something. There is also a variant of it – “hurry up”.
In a hurry
This Ukrainian word means an action performed very quickly. It can have a negative connotation, indicating that something was done in a hurry and, accordingly, carelessly.
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