Five tips on how to extend your life by 10 years

Expert advice based on observations of the habits of long-lived people from the “blue zones”.

Several regions of the planet, whose population is characterized by a longer life expectancy, are called “blue zones”. In an interview, nutrition expert Federica Amati gave some tips on how to extend your life by 10 years by following the principles traditionally supported by people from places with high life expectancy.

One of Dr. Frederica's tips is – to eat consciously, without abusing calories. The expert appeals to the experience of residents of Okinawa, Japan, where the world's highest proportion of long-lived people lives. According to the scientist, among the old residents of the island there is a statement that you should eat until you feel 80 percent full, and not eat until your stomach is bloated.

“Trying to eat food more slowly, eating from a smaller plate, giving up distracting gadgets help to follow this rule,” the specialist advised.

Another piece of advice from Amata is to eat plant-based food every day in the form of fruits, vegetables, whole grains cereals and legumes. The specialist noticed that “the combination of these products helps to maintain the body's immune and anti-inflammatory functions”.

In addition, the scientist advises to move more, especially “a lot of walking”, as well as control the amount of alcohol consumed. Another important condition for prolonging life is the ability to tolerate stressful circumstances more easily, which a person consciously trains using sports and other practices.

In general, the five ways to live longer, proposed by Federica Amati, look like this.

  • A large amount of vegetable food.
  • Constant movement.
  • Moderation in food.
  • Minimum amount of alcohol consumed.
  • < li>Protection from stress.

The scientist noted that, in her opinion, a healthy diet and exercise are two key ways to reduce the risk of various diseases.

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Author: alex

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