Five Types of Bad Breath: What Can They Say About Your Health?
Chronic bad breath is most often explained by problems with dryness, in others in some cases, it can signal that something is wrong with the body.
According to Harold Katz, a dentist and bacteriologist from California Breath Clinics (USA), bad oral hygiene is by no means the most common cause of bad breath. Most often, this problem indicates dryness in the mouth: when there is not enough moisture, the bacteria living in it flourish.
“When you sleep at night, saliva secretion is practically absent. This causes dryness and a characteristic morning “aroma”. But if morning breath is the only problem, you don't really have a problem. Many people have dry mouth and the accompanying unpleasant smell all day,” the doctor noted.
In an interview, the specialist said that in some cases, chronic bad breath can indicate health problems. At the same time, dentists distinguish between its different types.
Smell of naphthalene.This effect can be caused by allergies, postnasal fluid, or sinus infections. The doctor explained that when a person suffers from chronic sinus problems, bacteria in the mouth can convert mucus proteins into a compound called skatole. As a result, breathing becomes unpleasant.
Fruit. A sweet, fruity smell from the mouth can indicate possible diabetes, when the body begins to burn not glucose for energy, but fat. Ketones are a byproduct of this process, and they give the smell a specific shade.
Sour milk. Such a bad breath may indicate that the body is not breaking down the protein in the milk molecules properly. – that is, a person has lactose intolerance. Her other symptoms are diarrhea, cramps, gas.
Dirty diaper. This type of odor may indicate a stone in the tonsils. Bacteria and debris can get stuck in their folds, forming particles that can emit a real stench.
Smells like something rotting. When bad breath changes, acquires a note of decay, it can be a dangerous sign, says Harold Katz. This type of breathing is associated with lung disease and can be a sign of a variety of problems, from infection (such as pneumonia) to cancer.
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