Five types of foods are best for burning belly fat

Increasing belly fat is a dangerous process, as it can mean the growth of visceral fat, which is extremely harmful to the body. Experts recommend five types of products for its burning.

Five types of products are best for burning belly fat

An increase in visceral fat, which causes the belly to grow, is one of the inflammatory factors that contribute to the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This type of fat, which accumulates on the abdomen, is located closest to the vital organs, so it is necessary to get rid of it in order to preserve health and prevent sudden, life-threatening conditions.

According to experts from the National Health Service (NHS), regular consumption of certain foods can help burn belly fat and get rid of visceral fat.

Raspberry. Berry, fresh or frozen, contains a large amount of fiber, which helps reduce the amount of fat deposits on the stomach. But it is especially good because it helps regulate the body's insulin response, reducing the risk of high blood sugar.

Avocado.Its fruits, rich in monounsaturated fats and oleic fatty acids, are a very good choice for reducing abdominal fat and reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome (a complex of disorders associated with increased blood sugar and weight). Experts say that a diet high in monounsaturated fats can actually prevent the distribution of body fat around the abdomen by suppressing the expression of certain fat genes.

Foods with polyunsaturated fats.Experts recommend replacing products containing saturated and trans fats with products containing polyunsaturated fats – these primarily include healthy unrefined vegetable oils, fish, nuts, and sunflower seeds. Their consumption activates metabolic processes that ensure the burning of belly fat.

Products with soluble fiber. They promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora. According to data published in the journal Obesity, every additional 10 grams of soluble fiber consumed daily reduces visceral fat by 3.7 percent over five years. Very good sources of soluble fiber are apples, green peas, beans, oats, oat and rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, fresh potatoes.

Green vegetables. One of the benefits of vegetables when trying get rid of fat is that they provide significant volume and satiety with a small number of calories – this is one of the most important tools for weight loss. In addition, the product provides the body with a lot of minerals, without which Active metabolism is impossible.

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Author: alex

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