Five types of tea are named, which are advised to drink for the health of the soul and body


There are many varieties of tea. This drink is not only refreshing, helps quench thirst and tastes good, but is also good for health.

Studies show that tea contains polyphenols. These antioxidants can help protect body cells from damage and cancer-causing effects.

Some scientists note that regular consumption of tea by the elderly can promote brain health, especially those parts of it that are responsible for thinking. Also, some results indicate that regular consumption of tea may be associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

There are many varieties of the popular drink. What are the health benefits of different teas?

Green tea

Although green and black tea are obtained from the leaves of the same plant, they differ in the level of fermentation. As a result, one measuring cup (about 240 ml – ed) of green tea contains 28 mg of caffeine, and the same amount of black tea contains about 47 mg, the publication explains.

Green tea is rich in catechins. Research shows that these polyphenols help the body fight inflammation and can also help prevent some chronic diseases, explains American nutritionist Vicki Shanta Retelny. According to research, people who regularly drink several cups of green tea a day have a lower risk of stroke.

Black tea

This drink is not so popular among supporters of a healthy lifestyle, notes Retelni. But it also contains healthy flavonoids that can help prevent disease.

Research shows that regular consumption of black tea can help reduce the risk of dementia in older people, especially women. There are data, the nutritionist explains, according to which this drink can be no less useful for the prevention of type 2 diabetes than green tea.


This semi-fermented tea can be a useful alternative to the more popular green tea, according to American nutritionist Rahav al-Boshi. There is research data linking regular consumption of more than two cups of oolong per day with reduced levels of “bad” cholesterol. Some scientists believe that oolong can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Some research suggests that oolong may help. get rid of excess weight. But nutritionists note that so far this claim remains unconfirmed.

Chamomile tea

Unlike traditional teas, chamomile herbal drink does not contain caffeine. . This tea can be especially helpful for those who have trouble sleeping, according to careful researchers. It soothes well.

Chamomile tea has long been used around the world. Some studies indicate that this drink can help support the immune system, but the authors of these studies indicate the need for further testing.

Ginger tea

Nutritionists note that this drink is most suitable for people who have digestive problems. The healing properties of ginger root have been known for a long time.

Modern scientists note that ginger can be a safe and effective remedy for dizziness and nausea. Some studies also show that it can be one of the natural remedies that contribute to the prevention of diabetes.

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Author: alex

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