Five unpleasant symptoms indicate a lack of carbohydrates in the diet

Lack of carbohydrates in a person's diet provokes a decline in strength, poor concentration of attention and other problems.

The healthiest sources of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, and whole grains—these foods also contain fiber, vitamins, and glucose, which keeps blood sugar levels stable. The German Nutrition Society states that carbohydrates should make up at least 50 percent of food components that provide the body with energy. Their deficiency in the diet threatens the occurrence of the following unpleasant phenomena.

Fatigue and weakness. Without receiving the required amount of carbohydrates, the body experiences a lack of glucose, the most important source of energy. As a result, the level of sugar in the blood drops, which causes a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

Treatment for sweets.A drop in blood sugar (see point above) causes a strong craving for food – this is how the body tries to restore its concentration. At the same time, control mechanisms work poorly, a person can overeat and not notice it. The craving for sweets becomes especially strong at such moments, because it most likely “raises” blood sugar.

Bad breath. In people who adhere to a strict low-carbohydrate diet, bad breath often appears. This happens because the body, which does not have enough carbohydrates, begins to use fat reserves for energy production. This process is accompanied by the release of ketones, chemical compounds that evaporate through the mouth and make breathing unpleasant.

Problems with digestion. Natural foods rich in carbohydrates usually contain a lot of fiber. Its deficiency can lead to constipation.

Headache. The brain is the main consumer of glucose, and when its level drops due to a lack of carbohydrates, we begin to experience unpleasant symptoms of its deterioration – headaches , inability to concentrate, memory problems.

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Author: alex

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