Five ways to cope with flatulence attack


flatulence-excessive gas accumulation in the intestine. A healthy adult in the stomach and intestines contains about 1 liter of gases, which are formed mainly as a result of the vital activity of gut microorganisms. Normally, the gas content increases significantly when a number of products are consumed. It is food that causes gases (legumes, cabbage, apples, soda water); food that causes fermentation processes (black bread, kvass, beer); Dairy products with lactose intolerance.

To avoid an inconvenient moment, you can take some simple steps that will improve the situation.

Do not abuse the products mentioned above. If you plan to go on a date or a business meeting, refrain not only from pea soup, but also from cabbage and apples.

drink more water. Daily consumption of sufficient water has many advantages. And in the case of flatulence, water will also be your friend.

walk quickly before an important date. This will help to naturally get rid of gases that have accumulated. In addition, walking helps prevent bowel contamination, and regular exercise reduces bloating.

eat slower. Proper and slow chewing helps us to remember the size of portions and avoid gastric overflow. If we eat very quickly – the air is swallowed with food.

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Author: alex

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