Florists called rose feeding unacceptable: burns cannot be avoided
Roses need attention in care And the choice of fertilizers and means for feeding is of critical importance. They can both help to grow and flourish, and cause harm. You need to know the nuances so that you don't have to buy new seedlings.
Improperly selected fertilizers can cause burns. And this is quite unfortunate, because such an effect could have been avoided. Pay attention to which fertilizers are not recommended for roses:
- fresh manure;
- fertilizers that contain there is chlorine;
- ash on alkaline soils;
- fertilizers with nitrogen.
If you sprinkle fresh manure on roses, you can cause significant burns to the root system. It can also lead to the development of fungal diseases. The roots of roses are quite tender, so manure should not be used. The plant is also sensitive to fertilizers containing chlorine. Leaves will turn yellow and fall under its influence.
If the soil is alkaline on the site, do not use ash. It can lead to imbalance. Eventually, the pH of the soil can increase, which will again have negative consequences for the rose.
Excessive amounts of nitrogen also have the ability to cause harm. The green mass will increase, but the formation of buds for flowering will decrease. After all, the rose may stop blooming altogether. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.
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