Florists' cheat sheet for spider mites
A small pest may appear on plants, which quickly multiplies and sucks the juice from the leaves. This is all about the spider mite. To win the battle for the plant, keep this cheat sheet.
Protection of houseplants
The spider mite loves warm conditions. It reproduces best in them. Therefore, in the heat, be prepared for its appearance. In a few days, the population will increase exponentially.
A warm shower will help the plants. You need to wash all the leaves. Thorough cleaning will help reduce the number of mites and the possibility of their reproduction. Remember that spider mites quickly capture new plant specimens. That is why it is necessary to isolate the pot with pests.
To effectively and quickly destroy spider mites, you need to treat them with preparations against this pest. Even “Fitoverm” will work. After 5-7 days, repeat the treatment with any other acaricide. And remove the windowsill so that no one remains there.
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How to support plants in winter when heating appliances are on
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