Florists explained how to count pairs of buds on hydrangea for pruning shoots
Hydrangea is regularly pruned for shaping and rejuvenation, as well as to improve flowering. The recommendations often include the phrase about the number of buds. Not everyone knows how to count them correctly, so as not to harm the plant, but to stimulate it to better development.
Features of counting buds
Let's start with a general definition of what a pair of buds is in a plant. This is the place from where the leaves begin to grow. Such places are clearly visible on the shoot, so it will be difficult to miscalculate.
You need to start counting the buds from the place of last year's cut. After 2-3 at a distance of 1 cm, you can prune. And so on for each shoot.
If the hydrangea has a branch that has never been pruned. And it grows from the base, count the buds from the very bottom.
Another situation is possible. A bud may have awakened under last year's cut, from which the shoot grew. If you need it, then the bud is also counted first, that is, from the stem.
If the hydrangea no longer has leaves, but pruning is necessary, it's okay. You can determine the place of growth by residual signs. There remains a light spot on the stem, like a triangle. You can count the buds by it and make a cut in the right place.
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