Florists explained whether potted houseplants really need iodine

You can often hear about iodine from lovers of home flowers and floriculture experts. One of the most frequent points that interests everyone is how appropriate it is to use iodine for feeding.

Experts explained

Florists who grow house plants at a professional level give an affirmative answer. Yes, plants need iodine no less than humans. With a deficit, development stops. The plant goes into a short hibernation. Growth of green mass and root system, flowering stops.

Plants grow in pots. They feed only on what you feed them. Accordingly, they cannot get iodine from anywhere.

Do good to your plants. It is necessary to dissolve only 1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water. This solution can be watered and sprayed. There will be growth, growth of green mass and flowering. Everything is in the best traditions.

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What needs to be done to make anthurium bloom

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Author: alex

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