Florists explained why roses should not be treated with a systemic insecticide in October
My soul always aches for roses, so that they do not get sick, so that they are not eaten by aphids and other pests. For this purpose, summer residents use insecticides. One of the most famous is called “Aktara”. However, florists do not recommend treating roses with it in October. Why? Read further in the article.
About roses and pests
“Aktara” belongs to systemic insecticides with intestinal contact action. This means that when processing the plant, the drug must be absorbed through the leaves. To circulate in roses, the movement of juice must be activated. And it is precisely at this moment that there is a contraindication to autumn use.
The fact is that in autumn the movement of juices slows down. Roses, like other plants, prepare for winter. In addition, pests are now also hiding. Therefore, some episodic insects should not be poisoned with insecticides. You can use folk remedies.
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