Florists explained why you should sometimes forget to water your houseplants

Flower growers use this method of restoring home plants when they see that the plants have begun to lose their position, lose their normal appearance. And it seems that everything is as usual, but the result is not very good. Do not rush to run for water and water. Flower growers explained what needs to be done.

Secret method

In nature, rain does not always fall at the right moments. Sometimes it does not fall for a long time. As a result, the soil dries out, and then fills with moisture again. In dry soil, after abundant watering, the plant grows roots better.

Similar conditions should be provided for home pots. Forget to water them, and then resume watering as usual. Let the soil dry out. This is useful for most plants. This way they will restore their growth and desire to look good.

How much should you let the soil dry out? A third is recommended, or even half. You will see that the effect of this approach will be better. The green mass will grow, and the root system will be better able to fill the soil.

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Author: alex

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