Florists have revealed the secret of how to ensure the blooming of violets throughout the year
Violet can bloom a long time For some owners of this flower, this fact seems like a miracle, but everything is possible. Violets can really delight with their bright flowers throughout the year.
How to stimulate violets
Long-lasting flowering depends on the created conditions, as well as one little secret. Please note that the violet does not like hypothermia and excessive moisture.
Another important nuance is the size of the pot. Never plant violets in large pots. Even when the flower is growing, it is necessary to pull until the last moment. The thing is that the violet likes cramped conditions. The plant is so comfortable.
Pay attention to the condition of the land. The soil should contain vermiculite or perlite. These components will help loosen the soil. When watering a plant through a tray, water will more easily rise to the root system. This will protect the violet from excessive moisture.
So, we can draw a conclusion. Violets need loose soil and a tight pot. These two factors will help stimulate it to bloom.
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