Florists told how and when it is better to plant a petunia in the soil so that it blooms profusely until autumn

Petunia is one of the most popular flowers among flower growers. It decorates flower beds, terraces and balconies. In details, read how to plant and care for these flowers.


It is recommended to plant petunias in open ground when the ground warms up to 12-15 degrees and there is no threat of spring frosts. florists advise to do this on a cloudy day or in the evening, because if planted on a sunny day, the flowers will not take root.

In order for the flower to bloom until late autumn, florists advise planting it in bloom. Begonias, marigolds, or marigolds can be planted next to petunias.

On hot days, petunias should be watered in the morning and evening. Water should be poured under the root so as not to damage the flowers.

Treat the flowers from pests in time. Aphids really like to settle on petunias.

These flowers do not like wet soil because they are prone to fungal diseases.

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Author: alex

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