Florists told how to save chrysanthemum from aphids
In the summer, chrysanthemums can be affected by aphids, so the flowers can be and don't wait if you don't treat the bush in time.
How to deal with the pest?
If there are no means against aphids, and you see that the bush needs to be saved, then you can use folk recipes. Take ammonia, dilute it 1:10 and sprinkle the chrysanthemum bush. Repeat the treatment after 2-3 days.
You can also make an infusion from the bulbs. To do this, you need two handfuls of onion peels, pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 day to infuse and then sprinkle the plant.
Citrus peels will also help against aphids. Pour a handful of dried, crushed skins with 1 liter of boiling water, put in a dark place for a day, then strain the infusion and treat the flower.
Soap solution is also effective against the pest. Take 2 tablespoons of grated soap, dissolve in hot water, wait for the solution to cool and treat the chrysanthemum. This is the fastest way to deal with aphids.
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