Florists told what needs to be done for peonies to bloom magnificently
Peonies can bloom with large and lush flowers, and can be quite mediocre. If the second option prevails in your flower bed, you need to correct errors and principles of care. Let's talk in more detail.
Pay attention to the general principle: “One bud on a stem is one flower.” Why do you need to do this? The fact is that several small ones often grow near the main bud on the stem. Such stepsons take the strength of the plant and its nutritious juices for their development. As a result, the main bud cannot get enough of the necessary substances for development.
Inspect the peonies and the number of buds. Remove stepson buds, if there are any near the main one. As a result, the plant's forces will be redirected in the right direction. In addition, it will help peonies bloom longer.
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