Florists told which indoor flowers should be watered with acidified water
If you are the owner of wonderful indoor plants such as azalea, hydrangea, camellia or calla lilies, then you should know that they are advised to be watered with acidified water. Read the advice in detail .
All irrigations can be replaced with acidified water, and concentrated acidic solution can be watered once every 2-3 weeks.
It is also recommended to acidify the soil for Dieffenbachia , dracaena, arrowroot.
If you didn't know, plants like cacti, gerbera, poinsettia and anthurium also like to grow in acidic soil. Water them with acidified water once every 2 weeks.
You can prepare such a solution with citric acid. You need to dilute 5 g of powder in 2 liters of hot water. Take care, water on time, fertilize so that the flowers delight you with their beauty.
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