Florists told why hydrangea does not want to bloom every year

Hydrangea decorates flower gardens and yard' I am my flower. But it happens that this plant does not want to bloom every year. What is the reason, let's find out in detail.


If the hydrangea does not want to bloom every year, the reason may be improper pruning. They are often pruned at the beginning of summer and at the end of winter. If the flower is cut incorrectly, the hydrangea will bloom only after a year.

Florists advise to cut the bush in the spring so that those branches that will not give new shoots are visible.  You will only cut dead branches, not young shoots.

If the soil has an excess of nitrogen, the hydrangea will be green and will not bloom. Therefore, it is necessary to check the soil and add phosphorus and potassium for feeding, so that the flower blooms profusely. All fertilizers should be applied during budding of the plant.

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Author: alex

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