Florists told why you can't cut daffodil bushes immediately after flowering

Daffodils will soon bloom in every flower garden. Did you know that these flowers cannot be cut immediately after flowering? In the details, they wrote why this should not be done.


As soon as the daffodils fade, they are cut to renew the flower bed with summer flowers. It is important to know that as soon as the narcissus blooms, it is necessary to cut the stem with the flower near the surface of the earth. But in no case do not cut the bush itself.

The process of photosynthesis is still going on in the leaf at this time, and it ensures the further life and development of the flower. Wait for the bush to completely turn yellow and dry before you can cut it.

This process lasts for 7 weeks. And while the plant is green, it should be watered as usual, even if it has long faded.

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Author: alex

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