Folk advice to get an early harvest of zucchini
Young zucchini at the beginning of summer or even at the end of May can be grown easily at home, so as not to buy greenhouse vegetables. You will know for sure that they are organic and healthy, even for children.
Early harvest is guaranteed if you do not postpone sowing zucchini in the open ground until late spring.
Arrange greenhouse conditions for zucchini, or rather create an effect so that the temperature is higher than it really is. So, for example, you can cover the zucchini with film or fiber.
After planting, also mulch the soil around the zucchini with straw or hay, if it is left over from last year. This will help preserve moisture and heat, which zucchini so need.
Water zucchini often, abundantly and always with settled water. It is also possible for it to be at “room temperature”, but not hot.
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