Folk remedies to help raise your child's immunity

It's time for autumn infections, it is time to look for ways to protect yourself from illnesses of yourself and baby. The time -tested recipes will help. Be sure to introduce into the diet fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals (buckwheat, peas, oatmeal), as well as greens and germinated wheat. Do not forget the uniqueness of garlic. All this will give you a child need a set of vitamins and trace elements. And a large amount of fiber will relieve the stagnant phenomena of the gastrointestinal tract. The most effective, while harmless to the child's body – wild rose, lemon balm, hawthorn, chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, echinacea. Brewing a teaspoon on a glass of water, selected from the list of fees and giving your baby two or three times a day instead of tea, you will take care of her health. Beverages, by the way, can be added honey

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Important! The fact is that the child's immunity is formed before the end of puberty. It is better to consult with a pediatric specialist. And don't go to extremes.

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Author: alex

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