Food and medicines: 10 variants of dangerous combinations
Products may include substances that affect the effectiveness of medicines – enhance or weaken them. Thus, even healthy foods can be dangerous for a person undergoing treatment.
milk and dairy products. In addition, people who take osteoporosis should be used with caution: there should be at least two to three hours between the administration of these drugs and the use of milk.
green tea. Those who receive beta-blockers should avoid green tea, despite its usefulness and antioxidant properties: the active ingredients in the plant interfere with the work of highly effective drugs. Ideally between drinking tea and receiving beta-blockers should take at least four hours.
caffeine. Caffeine in circle, coffee and black tea can also be a dangerous interaction with some medicines. These include antibiotics from the Garaza inhibitory group, as well as asthma and bronchitis, which contain the active substance theophylline. Antibiotics enhance caffeine, which can cause tachycardia and tremor. As for the respiratory tract, they can have a very strong effect.
protein -rich foods. But there are also downsides: those who take certain antidepressants (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) are at risk of blood pressure, which can rise to dangerously high rates. This effect is due to the action of a Tyramine substance that is present in protein products.
Sausage, walnuts, red wine and red berries. these products are also rich in tyramine.
whole grain products. Particularly “suffering” cholesterol -lowering drugs and analgesics – they should be taken at least two hours after eating with a lot of fiber.
grapefruit juice. Sleep aids, asthma medicines, anti -allergic drugs and some hormonal drugs have an undesirable effect, interacting with grapefruit juice. In addition, grapefruit juice is not compatible with medicines that normalize blood pressure and balance of lipids in the blood: it many times increases the effect of drugs, leading to dizziness and impaired circulation.
garlic. Bleeding.
vegetables rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K acts as their antagonist.
alcohol. Under the action of mixing with alcohol, circulatory collapse is possible. The mixture of alcohol and analgesic has a devastating effect on the liver.
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