Food, sleep, movement: simple steps on the way to longevity
“ It is quite possible to slow down the biological clock and achieve longevity. At the same time, it does not matter how old you are: 20, 40 or 70. Experts named several simple rules that can improve the quality of life and increase its duration.
Avoid semi-finished products
A large amount of semi-finished products in the diet leads to an increase in the risk of various diseases. Try to eat more food that you cook yourself, including foods that are high in fiber.
Get enough sleep
Sleep duration also affects quality of life. According to research, sleeping less than six or more than nine hours is associated with a higher risk of death. A good night's sleep can help you avoid stress, depression, and heart disease.
Move more
A study found that 15 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day increased the length of the life of the subjects for at least three years. The results were confirmed even for those who had health problems. One option for healthy activity is brisk walking.
Stop getting angry
Anger is not a simple emotion, especially if there is a valid reason for it. But remember that in moments of anger and stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which negatively affects the work of the heart, metabolism, and the immune system.
Communicate with others
An active social life can be a good incentive for longevity. Communication helps to cope with stress and strengthens the immune system. At the same time, don't forget that good relationships make you stronger, and bad ones lead to depressed mood and increase the risk of depression and heart problems.
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