Foods for a long life without heart disease are named

A balanced diet is crucial for prolonging life – in particular, longevity is promoted by foods that protect the body from the development of heart diseases.

Experts state that the consumption of natural sour-milk yogurt can contribute to a long life without heart diseases. The regular presence of this product in the diet helps to protect against obesity, maintains a good condition of the vascular system.

It is especially useful for this purpose to use yogurt for breakfast, combining it with nuts, fresh fruits or vegetables, experts advise. They remind that weight gain with age is one of the causes of coronary heart disease, as well as diabetes and some types of cancer.

“A basic diet designed to prevent heart disease effectively helps control weight. It includes fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, low-fat dairy products, poultry meat without skin, a lot of nuts, beans, non-tropical vegetable oils,” experts explained.

Also in the list of the best products for a long life without heart disease, they included fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which effectively help reduce the likelihood of hypertension and other disorders of the vascular system.

In addition, they recommend drinking coffee to people who strive for longevity – this drink contains a number of powerful antioxidants that protect against age-related degradation of the brain, weakening of cognitive functions.

“The habit of drinking coffee reduces the chances of developing diabetes, dementia, and Parkinson's disease. You just don't need to consume more than four cups every day,” experts said.

In addition to a healthy diet, physical activity is an influential factor in prolonging life. According to doctors, people who regularly exercise and play sports have a 50 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.

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Author: alex

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