Foods for sleep: what food can save from insomnia
It is better not to eat anything before going to bed, but if your appetite still runs wild, it is better to choose the “right” products that will help improve the quality of sleep.
Some products help you sleep better, while others, on the contrary, provoke insomnia and do not contribute to relaxation at all.
5 best products for sleep
- Banana. First, bananas are better than other fruits at satisfying your appetite. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, it is still better to eat a banana before going to bed than a sandwich. Secondly, bananas contain magnesium and potassium, which contribute to rapid muscle recovery. And thirdly, bananas stabilize serotonin and melanin, helping the brain to fully relax.
- Oatmeal. This same morning meal is also one of the foods that promote sleep. All thanks to the trace elements in the composition, which have a beneficial effect on the excited nervous system. If you add banana slices to the porridge, the effect will be even stronger.
- Boiled egg.If you wake up hungry at night, make it a habit to eat a boiled egg in the evening. Eggs contain a lot of protein, they are very filling, so you won’t have to run to the refrigerator at night. If you are looking for the perfect foods before going to bed, you should know that they are eggs.
- Almonds. Thanks to the magnesium in the composition, almonds help you fall asleep faster, and also give a feeling of satiety. In addition, almonds contain healthy fats – as a bonus.
- Tuna. Another protein snack that will help you sleep soundly all night and save you from excess calories. Eat it with a slice of whole grain bread and a fresh cucumber.
In addition to a healthy diet, some drinks have a very good effect on sleep – first of all, herbal teas. If you suffer from insomnia, brew chamomile tea or oregano tea every night. A weak green tea with mint will also work.
5 worst foods before bed
- Fatty dairy products.Since childhood, we have been taught to drink kefir or warm milk before going to bed. Warm milk with honey really has a calming effect, but not all adults are suitable for such a “sleeping pill”. Many dairy products before bedtime are not the best solution, as they are not always well absorbed and can cause heaviness in the stomach. If you want something light and milky, eat natural yogurt. But fatty cheeses are better to put away.
- Also, you should not eat fried and spicy food at night. All this can cause heartburn and other gastrointestinal troubles, which definitely do not contribute to a sound and healthy sleep.
- Watermelons and melons. You don’t want to run to the toilet all night, do you? Leave the watermelon or melon for the morning.
- Alcohol. Yes, wine will help you relax and fall asleep quickly. But it is unlikely that your sleep will be sound and restful. In addition, you may have a hangover in the morning. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to one glass at dinner.
- One of the worst products for sleep is caffeine. It is not difficult to guess that an evening cup of coffee can deprive you of sleep for several hours. Also, in no case should you drink energy drinks in the evening. Of course, unless you are going to work all night or write a dissertation.
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